Friday, March 20, 2009

Where did the week go?

On Sunday I worried about being home for a whole week with nothing to do, but somehow Sarah and I managed to have something to do everyday this week! Tell me how that happens?? Nothing exciting happened on Monday..Tuesday was blast ball practice. I am trying to get her to take naps on Tuesdays since practice is so late, but she has refused the past two Tuesdays to take needless to say we had a very tired and cranky little girl at practice. Wednesday Sarah, my mom, and I went to my grandparents house in Dallas to visit my cousin and uncle who were in from Nashville. It was such a fun day...we played at the park behind my grandparents house for a while..then we all headed to Luby's for lunch. CAN YOU SAY YUMMY! Their mac n cheese is something to write home about! My brother met us for lunch then went back to my grandparents with us, and occupied Sarah while I took a much needed pregnancy nap. Have you ever been to one of those houses that make you sleepy just walking in? That is my grandparents..instant is so cozy! Thursday we went to Liz's for our craft had to be moved this week..and wait till you see what we have up our sleeve! Liz took Sarah to the park while I had to run home..Liz you are an awesome friend! Love you!. Then last night Miss Sarah started acting a little off. She started running a fever and had a cough. I pretty much knew what it was but I took her to the Dr. just to be safe. And I paid $20.00 for them to confirm what I knew..she has Croup. This is her third case since she was born! So after laying around ALL day, and taking a nap she seemed to perk up. But this evening she kinda started feeling lousy again and her fever was back up. So, off to bed she went..pumped with Delsyum (god's gift to parents who have children that have a cough that wont stop...that stuff is magic!!) and steroids. Hopefully we have a good night! I will probably be in bed with her tonight..I always liked sleeping with my mom when I was sick..:) Well, I am usual, so I am going to do the dishes and convince my husband I need a back massage!

PS: Please pray for Liz and Cooper..Coop has double ear infections again! Please pray for his healing, and for Liz as she takes care of the this precious little guy!

Have a blessed and safe weekend!


  1. Your too sweet! Yeah, last night was ROUGH! I hope Sarah slept well. Love you guys!

  2. Hope Coop and Sarah all get better!! Praying for you all!!
