Friday, May 29, 2009

Hula Hoop Girl!

The one thing that Sarah really wanted for her birthday was a Hula Hoop...which we bought..which she immediately told us it was too big. I had to agree, but that was the only size Wal-Mart had so I just bought it. Last week we had to run to the Dollar Store and when we walked in she saw a small Hula Hoop (fit her perfect) for $2.00. She wanted it then, but I told her she would have to save her $ and get it, since she had just gotten SOOO much stuff for her birthday. So, over the last week every quarter, dime, or penny she got she saved and with a little help from her Pappy she had enough for the Hula Hoop and a snowcone. After practicing since last night (that is when we got it) this is how good she has gotten!

It has also been a treat to watch Tobin try and Hula Hoop..actually is has been hilarious!!!

1 comment:

  1. Aww I used to love to hula hoop! Sarah is doing great!

    Want a good laugh? Watch Brooks hula hoop on the Wii...
