Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 3, year ago today.

I waited to post this week until today..because I wanted to be able to say one year ago TODAY we found out that newest member of our family was a BOY! Can you believe a year?? And that sweet baby will be 8 months on Tuesday. Wow..

Sarah graduated Mothers Day Out 2 weeks ago, and this Sept. (I think) she will start Kindergarten. She was VERY anxious about starting, but about a week ago she said she couldn't wait to start and make new friends. I am already prepared to be a basket case the day she starts. I barely made it through the MDO slide show without falling apart..She is our first baby and one of the sweetest gifts God gave us, and I can not imagine not being with her every day (all day)..

Reed man is kinda crawling..well mainly sliding on his stomach. He can sit up by himself and if he can get to something he can grab on to he will pull himself to a standing position. I think he may walk before he crawls, but we will see. He had tubes put in 2 weeks ago, which we had his checkup Tuesday and things look great. What a joy this little boy has been..even though two people that I love dearly threw temper tantrums the day we found out it was a boy they both love him DEARLY and wouldn't trade him for anything. Although, sometimes Sarah does say she wishes he was a girl..but those are the days he has pulled her hair for the 50th time and has a toy that she wants. :)

1 comment:

  1. hey girl! I just found your blog through mine. I can't find you on FB anymore so I thought I would stop by and say hi!! Happy 8 months to Reed man!
